Monday, January 14, 2013

Don't you just hate it when....

You say you'll post on your blog more and 2 months later you've made yourself a liar.

You get your laptop, coffee, and baby all set up and quiet at the coffee shop, only to have to pee and you know you should change the kids diaper too.

You go out to eat at a nice resturaunt or shopping at a store and need to change a diaper and there isn't a changing station. Just that awkwardly tiny spot in between sinks.

You get handed things from strangers, like business cards from "relationship coaches" that say things like "God is Love and Sexuality" and are told to visit their website. Then they decide sitting next to you and letting their companion eat potato chips with their mouth open is ok.

 You know exactly what you want, but don't know how to execute your plan- or the funding.

You're an adult with children of your own, but some how you still get in "trouble" for shit your sibilings do.

You run into someone you've met a million times, but still don't remeber who they are completely and it takes you an extra 5 minutes to catch up. But your cordial hello/goodbye is way past over. Making you look like a scatter brained, weirdo. Again. As always.

You refuse to get the flu shot every year and then spend all of flu season in fear.

You've been online for an hour and all you have accomplished is check facebook and run a Norton scan.

This is the best idea for a blog post you have in 2 months and you still never got up to pee or change that diaper.

I have a better idea for a blog post, but I have to get some ducks in a row before I can get my other ducks in a row. I know that sounds weird, but I tend to start projects and not finish them. So I want to get somewhere with my new project before I start blabbing about it.