So at this moment I have been 25 for a full 28 minutes. For some reason I have been dreading the arrival of this birthday for a good six months to a year. I'm not really sure why. I mean in theory I have my life together and I generally have learned to make good choices. I mean, I don't live in my mother's basement and I make more than minimum wage. What more could I ask for??
Let me tell you where I sit at this point in my life and you can feel free to suggest what you think my problem is... but, be kind. I don't like Internet Trolls, which is why I have made it so that all comments get reviewed before they get published. Suckers.
So, as I said I am 25 years old. *EWWW* I am married with a 5 year old son and my second son is due in 3 weeks exactly. I have a pet Chihuahua that suffers from seizures, named Henry. I didn't pick him because of his breed, I picked him because he needed me.
I work outside of my home (full time) which explains the name WonderWOHM... get it like Wonder Woman, you know because WOHM almost sounds like woman when you say it. Go ahead and try it. See? Though I am far from being Wonder Woman or a Wonder Mom. I can dream big, this is the internet after all.
I won't disclose where I work, it doesn't REALLY matter and I won't lie, I'm sure there will be things said in this blog that will make my mother cringe. Goodness, knows how my job would feel.
To continue, I didn't go to college, but I like to consider myself moderatly successful despite that... I would have just partied myself into failing and shamed my Asian heritage for sure. So, I find it better to have saved face and money.
Some day I would like to buy a house of my own. I just want to be able to hang a picture and paint a wall with out calculating the cost and energy to cover it up or undo it.
Well, that seems like an over abundance of information for my first blog. Just a little taste of what is to come. Hope you enjoyed it, because you have to, it's my birthday and those are the rules.
Happy Birthday to me.
You are totally a wonder WOHM <3